at Keohane’s

The Keohane family have been involved in the seafood industry for over 30 years over which time, we have built long term relationships with the responsibly managed fisheries and farms that we source our seafood from.

We understand the importance of taking care of the oceans and our actions differentiate us as a brand and supplier, delivering long term value to us, our customers and community.

our Oceans

We source as much certified sustainable seafood as possible. Currently 75% of our seafood is certified MSC, ASC or Global GAP. For species that are not, e.g. our locally sourced mackerel, we are engaged in actions that will move the fishery into a Fishery Improvement Programme, which is the pathway towards full MSC certification.

Fit Factories

Ensuring that we continue to strive for efficiency, but with one eye on the practical actions that will reduce our carbon footprint and protect the natural environment. Investing for the future means continuously improving our facilities, replacing refrigerants, installing energy efficient motors and machinery, and starting to generate our own power. For example, in 2024, we installed our 1 st on site solar generation while in 2023, we reduced our water consumption by 13.3%.

Support the
Circular Economy

First Removing and Reducing, and then recycling or reusing packaging wherever we can. This is not just for primary product packaging, that appears on retail shelves but for all elements of the goods that we procure for processing. Some of our key initiatives in this regard include:

  • 94% of our cardboard packaging is made from recycled material
  • 100% of our cardboard FSC certified
  • In 2023, we increased waste to recycling by 12.3%
  • 100% of our polystyrene is recycled

Be a
Good Neighbour

Not just through quality jobs but also by giving back to our community.

We have established a strong relationship with the local secondary school, Colaiste Pobail Bheanntrai (Bantry Community College). As part of that relationship, we conduct a sustainability workshop with transition year students. For the last number of years, school students produce a project on sustainability, which they then presented to the Keohane directors.

We are verified members of
Origin Green

Origin Green is the world’s only national food and drink sustainability programme, enabling the industry to set and achieve measurable sustainability targets that respect the environment and serve local communities more effectively.

In 2022 and 2023 we achieved gold member status in origin green for exceeding our sustainability targets. All of our sustainability targets are independently verified.

Our Certifications